Delicious Oat cookies…


Det er efterhånden længe siden at jeg har delt en lækker opskrift med jer her på bloggen. Nu da eksamenstiden er ovre os, er stress niveauet også højt, og når stress niveauet er højt så skal der bages! haha

Jeg er lidt en stress bager, og har efterhånden fået bagt en del de sidste par uger.

Min ynglings opskrift, mellem de mange, var nok nogle havregryns småkager som jeg fik bagt inspirere af et afsnit a friends (som jeg self også er startet på at se i disse stressfulde tider).

De er dejlig nemme at lave og så kan man putte alt muligt lækkert i dejen – rosiner, mandler, kokos, chokolade mm.
Min personlig favorit er jo nok chokoladen haha!

Smid endelig en kommentar i kommentarfeltet hvis i afprøver opskriften <3

God bagning!

Knus A

It’s been a long time since i last posted a jummy recipe. Now that the exams are upon us, the stress level is sky high, and when the stress i go in full on baking mode!

I have been stress-baking a lot the past couple of weeks.

My favourite recipe, among many, was probably some oat cookies i made. I got inspired by an episode of Friends (which i also have started watching during these stressful days)… Haha!

The recipe is very easy – you just whisky everything together and voila! – With that said the recipe is a ‘base’ recipe meaning that you are able to add everything you want to it – almonds, chocolate, dry fruits, coconut etc.

My personal favourite is probably the chocolate together with some almonds! Mhhh!

Please do leave a comment if you decide to bake them and let me know how they turned out <3

Happy baking!

Love A

Bring back the pancake…


For nogle dage siden var det store pandekagedag. De traditionelle højtider er gode…men store pandekagedag!!!

Hver gang jeg får en pandekage tænker jeg “OMGDETHERERSÅGODT” og så sker der ikke rigtigt mere… Hverdagen bliver bare travl og så skubber man bare pandekagen længere og længere ud i fremtiden og wupti! så er der gået 6 måneder uden en pandekage… Det er da sørgeligt! haha

Forleden gjorde jeg noget ved problemet og det var himmelsk! Min favorit opskrift er denne her af Jamie oliver.

Har i en yndlings pandekage?

Knus A

It was international pancake day a couple of days ago… I mean the traditional holidays are lovely…but pancake day!!!

Everytime i eat a pancake i am like “OMGTHISISTHEBOM” and then nothing happenss. Six months pass and i don’t eat one ever again… The pancake just keeps getting pushed into the future and it’s just not okay.. haha!
So i decided to do something about it and made some. My favourite recipe is this one from Jamie Oliver.

Do you have a favourite pancake?

Love A

Allspice Christmas Biscuits…



Undskyld undsklyd! Jeg har haft så dårlig samvittighed over at ikke have lagt opslag op i torsdags og i søndags:(

De af jer der følger mig på Instagram, ved at jeg desværre er kommet til at spilde te ned i min computer hvilket har gjort det svært at lægge opslag op. Men jeg har tyv stjålet min søsters computer og håber på at jeg kan ligge opslag op regelmæssigt som før!

Ovenover er en opskrift på brunkager med appelsinskal og mandler som jeg absolut elsker!
Sig endelig til hvis i prøver den!

Knus A

I am so sorry!!! As some of you that follow me on Instagram you may know that I unfortunately spilled tea on my computer. This is also why I have missed two blog posts this past week 🙁
That being said, I have managed to borrow my sister’s computer and my posts should hoepfully be back on track!

Above is a recipe on some yummy allspice christmas biscuits with orange and almonds that i absolutely adore!
do write a comment if you try them!

Love A


Halloween Baking…






Halloween er ikke en stor ting her i Danmark. Nogen vælger at gøre meget ud af det, men andre lader helt være.  Personligt elsker jeg jo alt hvad der har med påklædning at gøre så hvis der er mulighed for at jeg kan klæde mig ud tager jeg den altså!
Min storesøster har altid elsket gyserfilm og da mine andre søstre var skræmt fra vid og sans blev det mig der blev sat til at se dem med hende. Ikke at gysere er min yndlings genre men nogen gange er der altså noget hyggeligt over det uhyggelige.
Ovenover er endnu en af mine bage videoer hvor jeg laver nogle halloween cupcakes og cookies.
(Pssst…. I kan måske se min udklædning til sidst i videoen 😉 )

Kan I have en (u)hyggelig halloween!

Knus A

Halloween is not a big thing here in Denmark. Some chose to go all in, while others completely ignore the holiday. I personally love everything that has to do with dressing up, so if there is an occasion you can count on me!
My older sister has always loved horror movies, and since my other sisters were too scared to watch them I was convinced to watch them with her. Not that horror movies are my favourite genre of movies but there is something thrilling about the spooky that I love.  
Above is yet another one of my baking videoes, where I am cooking up some halloween cupcakes and cookies.

(pssst, you might see my costume at the end of the video 😉 )

Have a good one!

Love A



Jeg har for første gang begivet mig ud i at lave doughnuts og hold nu op hvor var jeg bange. Det der med at skulle friture steget dej det er altså bare skræmmende! Men jeg gjorde det!
Et tip til hvordan man finder ud af om olien er varm nok er at tage et stykke toast og hvis det syder så er olien klar (er man fancy og har et stege termometer så skal olien være 180 grader celcius).

I må endelig tagge mig på Instagram eller skrive her på bloggen hvis i prøver at lave dem!
God bagning og rigtig god weekend når i når dertil.

P.s så er ingredienserne i beskrivelsen til videoen 😉

Knus A


I have for the first time made doughnuts and wow I was scared. It was not the ‘making-the-dough’ part but rather frying of the dough. But i did it!
A good tip for figuring out if the dough is warm enough is to take a piece of toast and put it in the oil, if the bread starts sizzling the oil is ready (if you are fancy and you have a thermometer then the oil needs to be 180 degrees celcius).

Please do tag me on Instagram or write a comment here on the blog if you try them. I would love to know.

P.s the ingredients are all listed in the description of the video 😉
Love A

Triple layer chocolate mousse cake…


Udover tøj og sko har jeg en anden stor passion for at lave små film. Jeg elsker den kreative process der ligger i, ikke mindst klipningen og redigeringen af videoer, men også den måde man kan skabe forskellige stemninger på ved hjælp af vinkler.

Jeg har længe tænkt over hvordan jeg kunne inkorporere film og har overvejet at lave nogle lookbooks. Men jeg er simpelthen en kæmpe kylling, og skal lige arbejde på at bryde en personlig grænse før jeg kan filme mig selv på den måde haha!  

Så jeg tænkte at jeg ville starte med at filme mine opskrifter. Opslagene bliver altid så lange når man skal skrive en opskrift og så er det også bare lidt sjovere at se en film.
venover er opskriften på en lille chokoladekage med chokolade mousse overtrukket med chokolade ganache.

Hvad synes i om det?

Knus A

Besides clothing I have another big passion for movie making. I love the creative process that comes with not only the editing but also the way that you can portray certain moods though camera angles.

I have been thinking of how to do incorporate film clips into the blog, for a long time and came up with the idea of me creating small lookbooks. That being said, I am a big chicken and have to work on a personal boundary before I can start filming myself in that way haha.  
So I thought I would film my recipes since they can be a bit long and tedious to write and I mean.. It’s just more fun to watch a film clip.
Above is a recipe of a small chocolate cake with chocolate mousse coated with a chocolate ganache.

What do you think about it?

Love A

Hot and fresh pasta…

Asien Sensation


Det er varmt og vi gider ikke at stå i køkkenet i mere en 30 min af gangen. Fear not! Denne her opskrift tager ikke et minut mere! Mig og min lillesøster var i ‘vi-gider-ikke-at-lave-mad’ humør, men på samme tid gad vi heller ikke at gå ud for at købe noget… Haha kender i det?
Men vi tog os sammen og baskede ovenstående pastaret sammen ud fra det der nu var i køleren. OG det smagte lækkert! Så jeg tænkte jeg ville dele opskriften med jer 🙂

God søndag og sig endelig til hvis i prøver den!

Knus A

It is very warm and we don’t really want to be standing in a hot kitchen for more than 30 min. Fear not! This recipe does not take a minute more than 30.

My younger sister and i cooked the dish on a day where we didn’t want to cook anything fancy and nor did we want to go out and buy anything. Haha do you know the feeling?
So we got ourselves together and wandered in the kitchen where we created the pasta dish above, from whatever we had available in the fridge. And it was delicious!
So i thought i would share it with you guys!

Have a good Sunday and please do tell me if you try this at home!

Love A


Y O U  W I L L  N E E D

1,25 dl Soy Sauce

0,6dl Honey

0,6dl Lime juice

Fresh chilli after taste

2 Tablespoons of cornstarch

3 Garlic cloves

1 Onion

Vegetables after choice

4 Tablespoons Of Vegetable Oil

850g of chicken

1 Tablespoon Of Tomato Paste


S T E P  O N E: Mix  the oil, soy sauce, honey, lime juice and cornstarch in a big bowl together with the chicken. Let it soak for 30 min in the fridge.


S T E P  T W O: Take the chicken out of the marinade and save the marinade for later. Take the chicken and cook it with the tomato paste and half of the oil until the chicken turns brown.


S T E P  T H R E E: Heat the rest of the oil and add in the onion and garlic. Stir until the onions cooked. Add in the vegetables and stir a little more. Make sure to cook the vegetables so that they still have a little bite to them.


S T E P  F O U R:  Add in the chicken and the marinade, and cook until the sauce thickens.


S T E P  F I V E: Serve with pasta, rice or a salad.



cheeky breakfast with apples…








Til hverdag er min morgenmad altid noget nemt og hurtigt. Med andre ord –  Den samme og til tider også lidt kedelige morgenadsmenu som vi alle til tider kan blive trætte af. Jeg valgte derfor, i anledning af weekenden, at bage nogle lækre horn fyldt med æblemos.
Et styks horn og en varm kop te og så er jeg ellers på vej til himmelen. Haha!
Opskriften er lige nedenunder 😉

God bagning!

Knus A

My breakfast usually consist of something quick and easy like cornflakes, a toast müsli etc. in the weekdays. The sameold breakfast spread that from time to time can become pretty boring. 
Then the weekend came and i decided to bake some ‘horns’ as we call them here filled with applesauce. 
One of theese horns and a cup of tee and I was on my way to heaven! Haha! 
The recipee is listed below 😉 

Happy baking! 

Love A 



250g Wheat Flour

125g Margarine

35 g Yeast

1 ¼ dl Milk

½ Teaspoon Of Sugar

½ Teaspoon Of Salt


A P P L E    S A U C E

4 Apples

A Pinch Of Cinnamon

1 Teaspoon Of Lemon Juice

100g Of Sugar

S T E P   O N E: Crumble the margarine into the wheat flour

S T E P   T W O: Dissolve the yeast in the milk and add the mixture to the flour. Add sugar and salt.

S T E P   T H R E E: Knead the dough till it is a uniform mass

S T E P   F OU R : Add all ingredients for the apple sauce into a pot and let it simmer till the apples are tender. Blend the apples into a sauce.

S T E P   F I V E : After making both the dough and the apple sauce – take the dough and roll it out into a big circle.

S T E P   S I X : Cut the dough into triangles just like a Pizza.

S T E P   S E V E N : Add a spoon of applesauce to each triangle and roll the horns (start with the broad side of the triangle).

S T E P   E I G H T: Place the horns on a tray and let them rise

S T E P   N I N E : Glase the horns with egg and sprinkle sugar and some nuts.

S T E P   T E N: Bake for 15 min on 200 degrees celsius.

Elderflower & raspberry popsicles…











Jeg føler lidt at jeg presser sommer ned over Danmark… Haha! Jeg er meget klart til et lidt mere stabilt vejr (pretty please).
Når de helt varme dage endelig er her, er jeg en ‘sodavandsis-pige’. Jeg synes tit at fløde is kan blive for meget, hvilket leder mig til dagens opskrift – say hello to my little friends: hyldeblomst og hindbær is. Opskriften på de små vidundere er nedenunder 🙂

(Pssst…Skriv gerne en kommentar hvis i prøver dem)
Knus A

You will need:

Elderflower sap
Raspberry sap
Berries of your choice
Plastic cups

Step one: Add your sap to a can of water. You want it to be nice and strong (when we freeze them they will become milder).

Step two: Cut berries of your choice into small cubes. And add them to each cup.

Step three: Fill the cups with the Elderflower and Raspberry sap and give it a good stir.

Step four: Take a piece of paper and cut it such that it fits the top of your plastic cups. Stick a wooden stick in the middle of the paper and place it as a lid on the cups with the mixture. This will help to keep the stick in the middle of the popsicle.

Step six: Pop them babies into the freezer overnight for them to set.


I feel like I am forcing the danish summer to come, when it really ain’t happening (lets be honest). One day its hot, and the other its not! Haha
Oh well, when the hot days are here, I am a true ‘soda-pop-girl’. I feel that ice creams can get a bit heavy in the summer which leads me to todays recipe – say hello to my little friends – Elderflower and Raspberry Popsicles. You can find the recipe above 🙂

(Psst.. Do write a comment if you make them)
Love A

the perfect SNACK…








Det er jo ikke nogen hemmelighed at frugt og chokolade er en god kombination. Men jeg glemmer det altså! Og det kunne jo være at nogen af jer også havde glemt det? haha
En god idé andet en fondue er at skære noget frugt over dyppe det i noget peanut butter og herefter i noget chokolade. pop them babies in the freezer, og så har du ellers den perfekte is (som man kan spise med god samvittighed)  Ovenover er nogle billeder af nogle snacks min søster lavede her forleden.

God weekend når i kommer dertil!

Knus A

It is not ‘news’ that fruit and chocolate is a good combination. But i sometimes I forget! Maybe some of you did too? Haha

A good ideas it to chop up some fruit, dip it in peanut butter and the chocolate. After doing so, pop them babies in the freezer and you will end up with some ice creams that you can eat with a good conscience. Above are some pictures of some snacks my sister made the other day. I am a FAN!

Have a good one!

Love A